Cartier et Lelarge logo
  • skills and knowledge
  • trust and loyalty
  • precision and quality
  • excellence and professionalism
  • flexibility and diligence
Parole de stagiaire : Ève Côté

Mon stage chez Cartier et Lelarge était le deuxième de mon baccalauréat spécialisé en traduction dans le cadre du programme coopératif à Concordia, ainsi que ma première expérience de travail en cabinet.

Reflections on Réflexion

What makes a word “troublesome”? Don’t get us wrong—the French words that we call “troublesome” or “tricky” on the English team at Cartier et Lelarge are difficult precisely because of what makes them great.

Intern Perspectives: Lucas Du Berger Deret

During my internship at Cartier et Lelarge, I had the chance to work with a friendly team of professional translators.

On recrute!

Nous sommes à la recherche de réviseur.e.s (EN-FR) pour compléter notre équipe de professionnels à échelle humaine. Que vous soyez généraliste ou spécialiste (communications d’entreprise, finances, RH, TI, médical, droit, technique), nous avons plusieurs postes à pourvoir, à temps plein ou à temps partiel. Télécharger l’offre d’emploi ici

Passing the Torch: Common Viewpoints, Common Values

For the 35-year anniversary of Cartier et Lelarge, our president Antoine Raimbert and cofounder Nathalie Cartier sat down together to look back on our history, discuss our values and envision our future.

Our Workplace Through the Years

We are a company in constant evolution. From our humble beginnings, we have strived to stay on top of the latest technology while listening to the needs of our translators. That means always keeping our methods up to date and our work environment as agile and adaptable as we are.

Traduction professionnelle et protection du français

Alors que le projet de loi 96 faisait les manchettes l’automne dernier, l’OTTIAQ a eu l’occasion de comparaître devant la Commission de la culture et de l’éducation et de souligner le rôle prépondérant que jouent les langagiers professionnels dans la protection du français.

Intern Perspectives: Marie-Ève Frenette

I recently took my first steps in the world of professional legal translation at Cartier et Lelarge, a firm that puts people first by valuing trust, quality and collaboration.

Intern Perspectives: Laurianne Brière

When I was first offered an internship at Cartier et Lelarge, I was not quite sure what to expect. However, not everything was uncertain. I knew had a good feeling about Cartier et Lelarge, and I knew I wanted to become a translator.

Intern Perspectives: Ghislaine Deschambault

By Ghislaine Deschambault   I spent September to December 2021 completing an internship at Cartier et Lelarge. The experience was an ideal introduction to the world of professional translation. I had just finished my master’s in translation, all of which took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 and 2021. After two years of distance education, […]

A Day at the OTTIAQ Annual Conference

Wondering just what a day of the OTTIAQ annual conference looks like? Read this account from our translator Geneviève, who represented Cartier et Lelarge at this year’s online edition.

Intern Perspectives: Mélodie Brassard

When I started my internship at Cartier et Lelarge, I thought I already knew what remote work was like: boring, dreary, solitary. To my great joy, however, my prior experiences were absolutely nothing like working for Cartier et Lelarge.

La rédaction inclusive

Parmi les questions d’actualité qui suscitent de nombreux débats dans les médias et les chaumières, celle de la rédaction inclusive revêt un intérêt particulier pour la communauté langagière, qui doit rester au courant des tendances.

Meet the Partners

Cartier et Lelarge was founded in 1986 by two old friends, Nathalie Cartier and Élise Lelarge. Nathalie remains a partner today, and Élise has continued to work at the firm since retiring from the leadership team a few years ago.

À chaque règne son vocabulaire

« Au terme d’une grossesse difficile, cette baleine a accouché d’un baleineau, qui est malheureusement décédé. Une autopsie a été pratiquée. » Combien d’impropriétés comprennent ces deux phrases? Pas moins de quatre!

Cartier et Lelarge building